Healing Family Dynamics 

World peace begins in the home...

We all want to be great, loving present parents, Right? What happens then, when our children trigger our most painful, irritating or wounded places?

How do we support ourselves in what's coming up for us and heal in order to be able to parent from a place of openness, presence, and love?

Part of what motivated me to do this work was having my own child and seeing how many unresolved issues came up for me when I interacted with him. I had two choices: either react and get upset with him, or work with healing myself. When I chose to bring the love in for the places in my heart that were hurting..the results were apparent to everyone! 

…we all say that we don't want to parent the way that our parents did, unfortunately, we are going to if we don't work through those patterns…

I work closely with parents and children to heal from painful experiences and return to their original nature.

Any human, born of human parents, has early childhood wounds. We are born open, pure, innocent and we are brought into a world with pain, separation, confusion.. we all can remember a time when our parent or caretaker reacted to us in a way that hurt our heart. When that dynamic is played out over and over we begin to wear the scars and beliefs that limit us from living in our full expression of who we are.

Our children are our chance to end the cycle of pain... when we heal we can parent in love..



Reach out today for a free initial consultation:

"Be the change you want to see in the world." - Gandhi